Latino civil rights and advocacy organizations urge Senate to confirm Bradley Garcia to D.C. District Court

Washington, DC —  In a letter sent to Senators today, Latinos for a Fair Judiciary (LFJ) and its partners urged the Senate to swiftly confirm Bradley Garcia to be the first Latino judge to serve on the influential U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Dedicated to increasing diversity on the courts, LFJ and leaders representing the nation’s most prominent Latino legal and civil right communities stressed the importance of Garcia’s much-needed diverse perspective that will contribute to correcting the chronic underrepresentation of Latinos on the federal bench despite a growing Latino population in the United States. 

The letter outlines Garcia’s exceptional qualifications, including his demonstrated commitment to advancing social equity and upholding equal justice in many legal areas that disproportionately impact Latino communities – namely voting rights, addressing gun violence, immigration, and reproductive rights –  and calls on the Senate to quickly confirm his appointment. 

“With the Biden administration’s nomination of Bradley Garcia, the Senate has a chance to both make and correct history by nominating the first-ever Latino to the D.C. Circuit and adding a much-needed perspective to a court that hasn’t been known for its diversity,” said Andrea Nill Sanchez, Executive Director of Latinos for a Fair Judiciary. “For Latinos, Mr. Garcia’s confirmation is merited not only by his impeccable credentials, but also the impressive record and practical legal experience he has accomplished on many of the legal issues Latino communities care about the most. Senators must act to fill the gaping absence of Latinos on one of the nation’s most important appellate courts by confirming Mr. Garcia and ensure that Latino perspectives are included in the judicial decisions that shape our nation’s future.”

To view the full LFJ letter to Senators, click here.  

Media Contact:

Sarah Medrano