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Brett Kavanaugh deserves the benefit of the doubt. We can't let angry mobs rule America.

Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation has brought to the fore some truly dangerous arguments.

Democrat Maria Cardona, a friend and frequent TV sparring partner of mine, exclaimed on CNN: "This isn’t a moment for due process!" She followed the thinking of Benjamin Wittes, editor-in-chief of Lawfare, who wrote: "Even if (Kavanaugh) truly believes himself innocent, even if he is innocent — the better part of valor is to get out now."

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Polémica sobre Kavanaugh podría afectar a republicanos en las urnas, según activistas

WASHINGTON — El liderazgo republicano del Senado rechazó este jueves que el FBI investigue el presunto ataque sexual del juez Brett Kavanaugh, presuntamente ocurrido hace unas décadas, y exigió que su acusadora acuda a una audiencia el próximo lunes, pero la polémica en torno al nominado al Tribunal Supremo podría perjudicar a los republicanos en las urnas, afirmaron activistas.

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NewsAndrew CurrierLa Raza
Hispanic Caucus strongly opposes Kavanaugh’s nomination, Sept. 10, 2018

The nomination of Donald Trump's favorite to fill the vacancy in the U.S. Supreme Court has unleashed one of the greatest waves of discontent and opposition in the confirmation process.

After the inauguration of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's hearings was marked by opposition and contempt of Democratic members in the Committee, the Hispanic Caucus in Congress has added its voice to strongly oppose the possible confirmation of a judge recognized for his anti-immigrant and radically conservative positions.

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NewsAndrew CurrierAl Dia