Four months ago, President Biden nominated voting rights expert Myrna Pérez to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Pérez, who for 15 years has worked to defend the freedom to vote and safeguard our democracy at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, is exactly who our nation needs on the federal bench today.
Read MoreEven before the first full term of the Supreme Court under the Biden administration began this week, conservative justices were sounding defensive. In separate September speeches, Justice Amy Coney Barrett said that the court was not “a bunch of partisan hacks,” while Justice Clarence Thomas said that the media makes it appear as though justices rule based on “personal preferences.” Justice Samuel Alito pushed back against criticism of the court, criticism he said wrongly portrayed it “a dangerous cabal that resorts to sneaky and improper methods to get its ways."
Read MoreThe President is announcing fourteen judicial nominees, including ten new candidates for the federal bench. All of the nominees are extraordinarily qualified, experienced, and devoted to the rule of law and our Constitution.
These choices also continue to fulfill the President’s promise to ensure that the nation’s courts reflect the diversity that is one of our greatest assets as a country — both in terms of personal and professional backgrounds.
As he continues to move at an historic pace with respect to judicial nominees, the President is announcing eight new candidates for the federal bench and one new candidate for District of Columbia courts, all of whom are extraordinarily qualified, experienced, and devoted to the rule of law and our Constitution.
Read MoreNational Latino leaders are pushing the Senate to quickly confirm voting rights expert Myrna Pérez as a justice for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit. If confirmed, she would be the only Latina on the bench of that federal appeals court and the first since Sonia Sotomayor moved from it to the U.S. Supreme Court.
President Joe Biden nominated Perez last week for the appeals court, which serves New York, Connecticut and Vermont.
Read MoreThe U.S. Senate confirmed Denver lawyer Regina Rodriguez for a federal judgeship Tuesday, five years after she was first nominated for the job.
The Senate voted 72-28 on Rodriguez’s nomination, with all Democrats and 22 Republicans voting in favor.
Read MoreWashington D.C. – Líderes del Congreso y autoridades de la isla aplaudieron hoy la decisión del presidente Joe Biden de nombrar al juez puertorriqueño Gustavo Gelpí para llenar la vacante que surgió en el Primer Circuito de Apelaciones federales tras la muerte de Juan Torruella.
Read MoreOn Wednesday, Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett declined to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee whether she thought that separating migrant children from their parents was wrong. “That’s a matter of hot political debate in which I can’t express a view or be drawn into as a judge,” the mother of seven kids said in response to a question from Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.). When Booker rephrased his question, Barrett again demurred, saying she couldn’t “be drawn into a debate about the administration’s immigration policy.”
Read MoreIn recent years, the U.S. Supreme Court has increasingly considered issues crucial to the Latino community—from health care access to voting rights to immigrant justice, like keeping DREAMers in this country. The Supreme Court matters to all of us and now Senate Republicans are rushing through the President’s nominee at the fastest pace in half a century.
Read MoreImmigration and Customs Enforcement agents have the power to arrest people who aren’t US citizens and detain them for months or years, based on past convictions, with no chance of release on bond. They can do this even to green card holders, and even if the convictions were fairly minor and the immigrant completed the sentences (or paid the fines) years ago.
Read MoreDonald Trump’s recent op-ed in USA Today was a wholly misguided narrative designed to do one thing: scare.
This op-ed, and the newly minted Republican talking point warning of an “angry mob” if Democrats win in November, betrays both how afraid the GOP and Trump are about the midterm elections and the lengths to which they will go to turn around their fortunes.
Read MoreIn the wake of professor Christine Blasey Ford’s account of how Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her in high school, his supporters went out of their way to discredit her credibility from before they even heard her speak. Even though evidence shows that Judge Kavanaugh lied repeatedly under oath, every Republican (with the notable exception of Sen. Lisa Murkowski) plus Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin have decided to blindly and stubbornly stand by their man.
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