Latinos for a Fair Judiciary Stands with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

For Immediate Release: September 19, 2018


Jose Aristimuño



Latinos for a Fair Judiciary Stands with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

We believe Dr. Ford--and we commend her for her courage in coming forward

Washington, D.C. — In light of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s credible allegations, we urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to complete a fair, non-partisan, and thorough process-including an FBI investigation. This must occur before any other actions are taken on what is a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. 


Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation process has been rushed from the start.  Dr. Ford’s credible accusations underscore this: Brett Kavanaugh needs to be further investigated before the Senate can even consider next steps. The Senate Judiciary Committee’s duty to appoint experts who can ensure a thorough, trauma-informed investigation supersedes any arbitrary deadlines set by any political party. 


Too much is at stake to rush the confirmation process. The United States Senate owes it to their constituents, and the survivors of sexual assault and trauma,  to meaningfully examine all the evidence before casting their vote on Judge Kavanaugh. At the end of the day, the Senate Judiciary Committee serves the people, not Brett Kavanaugh.


Latinos for a Fair Judiciary (LFJ) provides Latino leaders across the nation a platform and voice in matters related to our nation’s judicial system. LFJ is an unaffiliated, non-partisan, independent network of elected officials, legal, civil rights, labor, academic and political leaders who care deeply about the impact that the Supreme Court has on the Latino community. Our mission is to raise public awareness around the pressing legal issues Latinos are facing and call attention to the significance of the Supreme Court.

Press ReleaseAndrew Currier